Horst Cross Spikes™ have arrived in Australia!
After many months and two half ‘cross seasons (one in each hemisphere) since the mud featured above sparked my hunt for spikes – the first delivery of Cross Spikes™ have landed in Australia!
Over the weekend and Monday/Tuesday all the stock and packaging details will be finalized and the switch will be flicked, allowing you all to place orders and the aim will be to get them into the post as soon as possible!
Meanwhile, check out the e-news that Horst Engineering sent out last week, including the announcement of our distribution in Australia – more importantly, there’s a lot of information in there about when to use which Cross Spikes™.
In the week since the website went live and news spread around the traps, I’ve been blown away by the positive feedback, comments, likes and follows on the various social media pages – so thank you for your support and here’s to growing ‘cross in Australia!
Keep up to date on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more news – including details of stock being available to order!
I wish you all a great weekend of riding – stay safe and have fun!